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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

Soul Time

Originally published in the Catholic Times March 10 2013 vol. 62:22

The fourth Sunday of Lent already? Impossible. I'm not where I thought I'd be. Spiritually speaking, that is. Each year I think it will different. I'll be more disciplined when it comes to food. Each morning will start quietly with undisturbed time for prayer. I won't succumb to temptations of playing Free Cell or Sudoku on my iPad.

This year I thought I had more attainable goals. In fact, I had but one: give myself "soul time." Time for my spirit to breathe and, as an old African story goes, catch up with my body. This goal seemed reasonably attainable four weeks ago. I have been forced to admit that some behaviors have a stronger hold on me that I thought.

For example, living alone, by nightfall I am often ready for some human "noise" in the house. I turn on the television, tune Netflix to reruns or maybe a less than riveting movie, turn away from the screen and drift to sleep, listening.

A perfect time for " soul room" I told myself on Ash Wednesday. Read More 

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