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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

What ARE They Thinking?

In a departure from Lenten reflections, I must address the Federal Budget negotiations. First, cuts to reduce the deficit have been proposed that disproportionately target programs that serve the poor and vulnerable. These programs are not where the big money is found. In the big picture, eliminating them all would do little to reduce federal spending. Many people of many faiths, and some of no particular religious affiliation, are fasting to raise awareness and to pray for responsible decisions regarding the budget.

This morning I read in a NY Times article that one of the sticking points was now a Republican proposals for "...measures that would restrict the regulatory powers of the Environmental Protection Agency, a favorite target of Republicans since they took over the House, by preventing the agency from enforcing significant portions of the Clean Air Act and regulating carbon emissions."

This, after we saw in dramatic fashion in the Gulf oil spill, what can happen when companies are left to regulate themselves?  Read More 

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Jupiter: Closest in 47 years

Chart: Astro Bob
If you have clear skies tonight and a chance to go outside after 9pm, you will see Jupiter brighter than any star in the sky. The planet is closer to earth than it has been for forty-seven years! If you are interested in finding out why, check Astro Bob's website, a user friendly site for those who are new to watching the night sky as well as for those with more experience.

Jupiter will be easy to see for a number of nights, so if you didn't see it tonight, you will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the sight. However, the planet will be a bit further away tomorrow and nights following.  Read More 
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The Butterfly Effect Revisited

PHOTO: Reuters/BP Live Video Feed

The AP article written by Colleen Long and Matthew Daly is one among many that mention the need to monitor the sea bed in the Gulf for possible leaks resulting from undetected damage to BP's well deep under the ocean floor that may be exacerbated by increased pressure caused by capping the well.

Until the past few days, I had not considered effects capping the well would have other than finally shutting down the gushing plumes of oil fouling the Gulf. Why was the news that the sea floor itself could be compromised surprising? It is logical, and it points to a reality we too often overlook: Everything in our world, in the universe, in interconnected; Everything. Read More 
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Who's to Blame?

Watching dark plumes of oil and gas rise like dirty clouds from the broken pipe at the BP oil site makes me sick. My stomach turns over when I think of millions of gallons of oil fouling the earth every day. The thought that this will happen day after day for months is unfathomable.

Anger rising from my heart is as dark and dirty as the oily clouds. Read More 
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