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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

Just Say Wait

In today's online New York Times, columnist David Brooks wrote about Poetry in Everyday Life," an interesting reflection on the use of metaphor to "capture what is going on." I am in favor of metaphors. Of poetry, too. However, the new translation of the Roman Missal may be, shall I say, "throwing the baby out with the bath water."

In the same NYT edition, an unrelated article questions about the new translation are raised by priests around the globe. For New Mass, Closer to Latin, Critics Voice a Plain Objection."raises questions about what some proponents claim is a more poetic translation, one literally faithful to the older Latin Mass. Metaphors are indispensable, frequently used when human beings grapple with the Divine, but they must connect with those who read or hear them, and they must make sense in today's world. Read More 

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