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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

Not Sacrifices, but Hearts of Love

Rublev's Trinity Inviting us to join with the Trinity, the Family who is our God

I know that you are descendants of Abraham;
yet you look for an opportunity to kill me
because there is no place in you for my word.
I declare what I have seen in the Father's presence;
as for you, you should do what you hear from the Father.
Jn 8, 37-38

I have always had difficulty with atonement theories that answered the question, "Why did Jesus have to die?" with the explanation that God's justice demanded the death of God's son in our stead. God sent the Son to die. That does not harmonize with my faith and experience of God as one who loves completely, forgives all, and desires unity with us and creation.

For many Christians, the idea of Jesus' death as his bearing the punishment deserved by us (penal substitution or substitutionary atonement) is the only understanding of the cross that they have heard. It is not the only one. Read More 
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