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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

Responding to Transgender Children

In the print edition of the June 30 the New York Times, published a letter by Dr. Jack Drescher with the headline Sunday Dialogue: Our Notions of Gender. In the letter, Dr. Drescher comments on Coy Mathis and the Colorado Division of Civil Rights' decision to allow her to use the girls restroom in school. He continues with comments about gender dysphoric children and possible therapies for them.

His letter has prompted numerous responses both in the NYT and on websites and blogs. I found Dr. Kelley Winter's blog GID Reform Weblog full of interesting information and comment.

I stand with those who advocate allowing children to transition socially, giving them to opportunity to grow up as the person they know themselves to be. I applaud the Colorado Civil Rights Division decision. The California legislature's recent passing of a bill allowing students K-12 to use the restroom that matches their gender identity and presentation is also a step in the right direction. This bill also allows students to participate in sports and use locker rooms aligned with their gender identity

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